St John’s Church has been around a long time and it carries within its walls many memories and significant moments. Please share some of these with us. Thank you.
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A little Piece of History You will notice that the brass Cross that is currently on the Altar in the little chapel is 100 years old this Easter. It is engraved
To the Glory of God
St Johns Alexandra
Easter 1916
Helen noticed this but also says she knows nothing of the occasion for this gift. The donor of course could still be held in living memory among us. Any more in-formation?
This photograph is kept in the sanctuary next to the aumbry – why? When I asked I was told ‘Oh that is Miss Maddocks, she used to be a Sunday school teacher and would walk across the paddocks carrying her lamp’. Well I wonder if there is anyone out there who was taught by her. If you were I am sure you would not have forgotten. Please write in and tell us something more. For someone like me, who never knew her, she looks terrifying.
Whatever her story, she undoubtedly has made an impression and ended up in the sanctuary. Wow!
2 Responses
Paul Wood
To the Glory of God
St Johns Alexandra
Easter 1916
Helen noticed this but also says she knows nothing of the occasion for this gift. The donor of course could still be held in living memory among us. Any more in-formation?
Paul Wood
Do you remember this person?
This photograph is kept in the sanctuary next to the aumbry – why? When I asked I was told ‘Oh that is Miss Maddocks, she used to be a Sunday school teacher and would walk across the paddocks carrying her lamp’. Well I wonder if there is anyone out there who was taught by her. If you were I am sure you would not have forgotten. Please write in and tell us something more. For someone like me, who never knew her, she looks terrifying.

Whatever her story, she undoubtedly has made an impression and ended up in the sanctuary. Wow!